Toothache Medication for Children that Parents Should Give

Toothache can affect anyone, both adults and children. Unlike adults, giving toothache medicine to children requires more special attention and should not be careless. Toothache in children is mostly caused by cavities or teething. Symptoms include drooling, painful and throbbing teeth, gums around swollen teeth, and fever or headaches. Father and Mother can provide toothache medicine for children to reduce the pain felt by Little, before taking it to the nearest dentist. Toothache Medication that is Safe for Children If the child has a toothache, parents may panic and seek an over-the-counter medication to relieve the pain. You may only give pain relievers, such as paracetamol, as a toothache medicine for children. But make sure that the drug dosage given is right and in accordance with the weight or age of your child. Remember, always read the rules of use carefully when trying to give toothache medicine to children. You are not recommended to give aspirin pain medication to ...